How do I enroll my child in Faith Formation? Complete and submit a registration form. You may register online by clicking here. You may also pick up a paper form at the parish office or in the Resurrection Center (449 Broad St., Nashua NH). Completed paper registrations may be returned to these offices as well. The cost of Faith Formation for the 2024-25 year is $75 per child, or a cap of $225 per family. Payment can be done online by clicking here, or by sending a check to the parish office. What is the program format? Faith Formation students at Resurrection participate in one of the following programs, based on their age. The programs will provide for both Catholic education and sacramental preparation.
Family Program: for Grades K - 5 Parents work with their children at home using textbooks and online materials. Community gatherings in the Family Program take place once per month, after the 10:30 Family Mass. Youth Group: for Grades 6 - 8, 9 -12 Youth Group meets once per month on Sunday afternoons. Gatherings consist of activities, projects, and snacks, as well as small group discussions. We will spend time exploring a range of prayer and volunteer experiences. Families will receive the program calendar for the 2024-25 faith formation year upon registration. When and how will you prepare my child to receive the sacraments of initiation? Preparation for the sacraments typically occurs in a classroom setting, with the celebration of Reconciliation in the 2nd Grade and Eucharist/Confirmation in the 3rd Grade. Children must also be attending the Family Program, or enrolled in Catholic School, to participate. For more information about sacraments of initiation at Resurrection, click here: Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation
What happens after Confirmation? The Sacrament of Confirmation enriches our baptismal life as Christians, through the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit. It provides strength for the lifelong journey of formation; it stokes a thirst for greater understanding of and participation in our call to discipleship. We encourage families whose children have received Confirmation to continue to participate in our programs. Children may remain in the Family Program through 5th grade and then continue into Youth Group from 6th grade onward.
Where is the Faith Formation office located? Faith Formation headquarters is in the Resurrection Center across from the church. The offices on either side of the gym lobby belong to us, and our office hours are posted weekly on the door. Contact us anytime by email [email protected] or by leaving a message on our office phone 603-889-0012. Please reach out if you'd like to coordinate a time to meet or chat with us.